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What is a Woman's Role During Worship?

What is a woman's role during church? As with each of our studies, we will attempt to find the answer from God's word. The Bible tells us that God's ways are not like our own. We must find what God would have us to do, and not what we think to be right.

In our modern era, women can do just about anything that men can do. Women drive racecars and hunt wild game. Women have gone into space and won many Nobel prizes. They can run for the Presidency of the United States. Women can do so many things. But what can women do during church?

Again, we must establish that God's way is the only way that will lead us to Heaven. We must acquire all of the church's rules from the Bible. The next sections deal with God's authority to make the rules.

(All of the indented, bulletted paragraphs are complete passages from the New King James Version of God's Word. The non-indented paragraphs are from me, and are not Scripture. However, the passages from God's Word cannot be disputed.)

The Bible is All That We Need

Since God is the only Lawgiver, we must abide by His rules to get to Heaven. The Bible is the only instruction that we need. God tells us so:

From the previous passages, we can easily understand that God's Word, the Bible, is perfect. It makes us complete, and it makes us free. If we believe the Bible to be true, than we will believe the previous passages and recognize that the Bible is the best guide that we have for worshiping God.

Even though the Bible is the superior guide for worshiping God, most religious people feel that some of God's Laws are a little outdated. Man is intent to change God's simple, perfect instructions by "spicing them up" to draw a bigger crowd. A disturbing example of this is women leading prayers or songs during worship. Does God approve of this practice? Is it OK to pervert the instructions given by Almighty God? Can we change the rules?

We Cannot Distort God's Word

We must only abide by God's rules when trying to get to Heaven. Man's empty promises will not get us there. To achieve eternal Paradise with our Lord and Creator, God tells us that we cannot change His words given in His book:

God's Word also tells us that many, many people will fall away from the truth of the Bible and mislead countless others. Of course, God's Word was right again.

From the previous passages of Scripture, we can definitely be sure that God is only satisfied with our worship if we follow the Bible only, with none of man's feeble additives.

Instructions for Women in Church

What does God say about women performing leading roles during services?

This passage contains a lot of information. Let us go through it slowly. In the passage, we read that women should not teach or have authority over men in the congregation. It tells us that women should be submissive in church. Likewise, we should all be submissive to God's requests. We must strive to comply with the Bible's instructions for worship. Women should be silent and submissive during services. This may be "old-fashioned," but it is a command of God.

In some denominational gatherings, women preach, lead prayers, and sing songs alone in front of their congregations. Do any of these actions have any scriptural approval? No. It is quite the contrary, for we have read the above passage. Notice that God is very specific. We have no problem with women performing so many roles in society, but we should have a strong problem with women leading in the church. God has instructed it.

The Bible tells us that God's word is truth. It also tells us that we should worship in spirit and in truth. Therefore, we should all worship according to God's word to be acceptable. A woman's worship cannot be acceptable if she leads a part of services over a man. God expects nothing less.

What Can Women Do During Worship?

Women should not preach, lead prayers, or lead singing during worship, but they can study God's word and learn. Women can teach men the Bible outside of worship. Let us look at an example of this in God's Holy Word.

Aquila and his wife, Priscilla, were Christians during Paul's time. From the second passage, we can see that Priscilla helped to explain God's ways more accurately to a preacher, Apollos. This was done after Aquila and Priscilla took Apollos aside. Likewise, women today can correct ignorant preaching and refute false teachers. However, God still expects women to be silent and submissive during the assembly of the church.

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