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Heaven: How Can We Get There?

How can we get to heaven? This is a question asked by many thousands each day. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion about this most important topic. Many men tell of many ways to get to heaven. What does God say?

(All of the indented, bulletted paragraphs are complete passages from the New King James version of God's Word. The non-indented paragraphs are from me, and are not Scripture. However, the passages from God's Word cannot be disputed.)

What is Heaven?

Heaven is a Place Prepared for Us

We should look at a couple of passages from God's Word that pertain to Heaven. Heaven is a place prepared for those that do the will of God.

Heaven Will Last Forever

We should want to go to Heaven because we can be with God there.

What is Hell?

Hell is a Place Prepared For the Ungodly

Hell Will Last Forever

We should want to go to Heaven to avoid the terrors of Hell.

God Created Everything—He Makes the Rules

God created man and everything that exists. Do we have the authority to make our own path to Heaven, or must we follow God's rules? These excerpts from God's word tell us of God's right as the Lawmaker:

We have no right to push our feeble conditions upon Lord God. He tells us what He expects of us in His word, the Bible. We cannot follow our laws and expect to get to Heaven—Almighty God is the Lawmaker.

The Bible Records God's Laws

Since God is the only Lawgiver, we must abide by His rules to get to Heaven. The Bible is the only instruction that we need. God tells us so:

We Cannot Distort God's Word

We must only abide by God's rules when trying to get to Heaven. Man's empty promises will not get us there. To achieve eternal Paradise with our Lord and Creator, God tells us that we cannot change His words given in His book:

God's Word also tells us that many, many people will fall away from the truth of the Bible and mislead countless others. Of course, God's Word was right again.

We now know that God is only satisfied with us if we follow His word, and His word only. Something as important as Heaven should not be risked over what seems right to a mere man. It's God's way or the highway, folks. We have read the previous passages. We must be obedient to His requests. We should want to honor His wishes because He is our Creator.

Do We Deserve Heaven?

We deserve nothing from God. He is perfect, and we are sinful. Thankfully, He has blessed us with the opportunity to go to Heaven and be with Him:

What is God's Way to Heaven?

Now, let us search God's word to find His way, the only way, to Heaven. In the Bible, those that are going to Heaven are "saved," and those heading for Hell are said to be "lost."

Will Our Sincerity Get Us to Heaven?

Many people are of the following mind, "As long as I am sincere in my beliefs, God will not condemn me to Hell." Is this statement from God or from man?

Paul wrote more books of the Bible than anyone. Before Paul was a Christian, his name was Saul, and he persecuted and even killed Christians. Saul believed that Jesus was a false teacher. This led him to sincerely believe that God was happy when he killed the followers of Jesus. It is hard to believe that Saul thought this way, but he did. The question we must propose is, "Was Saul saved, and heading for Heaven? Or was he lost, and heading for Hell?" Once he became a Christian, and changed his name to Paul, God wrote these next verses through him. Let us read them together as a story:

Saul was sincere in his actions, but this sincerity was not saving him. If he was saved while killing Christians, then Jesus Christ would not have led him to become a Christian (Acts 9). The sincerity of his actions did not matter—he needed Christ to be saved.

Will "Being Good People" Get Us to Heaven?

Many men are of the belief that being honest and caring family–men will get them to Heaven. Let us look at a great example of a "good person" in the Bible:

Cornelius definitely sounded like he was heading for Heaven, right? Our feeble minds have trouble picturing this man in Hell. Read the passage again. He was devout. He feared God and recognized God's might. He gave to those less fortunate. He prayed to God constantly. Wow. Was he saved?

The passage above was referring to Cornelius. If you read the entire chapters of Acts 10 and 11, this is easily seen. Anyhow, the point of this section is that Cornelius, a God-fearing, devout, giving, prayerful man was not saved until Peter told him how.

Being a good person will not get you to Heaven. Caring for your family will not do it, either. We cannot depend on what we think is right—we must only follow God's instructions. If we follow God's plan, instead of our own reasonings, we can achieve Heaven. Remember that we do not deserve Heaven because we are sinful. God has given it to us as a blessing, but He has also given us conditions necessary to receive it.

Things We Must Do To Be Saved

God has given many examples of His directions to Heaven. These examples are easily understood so that all can be saved and get to Heaven. Each of the steps to salvation is discussed using the Biblical instructions given by God.

1) Hear the Gospel of Christ

To begin the salvation process given by God, we must first hear the saving words about Christ. One cannot follow the Lord's plan without first hearing it. God tells us this in the next passages from His word:

The previous passages show that we cannot begin to be saved until we have heard about Jesus Christ. It is impossible to believe something that you have not heard. Hearing the gospel of Christ must occur to get to Heaven.

Examples of Hearing Leading to Salvation

Rather than follow the traditions of men developed for the past 2000 years, we should instead follow the examples given by the Creator. We cannot go wrong if we follow God's plan. Man's plans will lead us to Hell.

Let us read actual examples of hearing in God's word. Each of the following 8 passages begin a story of someone being saved. Notice every time that the saving message is both preached and heard. Later, we will read of salvation occurring for each:

Hearing the word of Christ was needed in every Christian conversion in the Bible. We cannot begin to be saved without following God's examples. Hearing the word of God is essential to salvation.

2) Believe That Jesus Christ is the Son of God

After hearing about Christ, we must decide to believe the message we heard. The Bible tells us that no one comes to the Father but through Christ. We must believe in Him to be saved and get to Heaven. God instructs us to have faith in Jesus Christ:

Belief, or faith, in Jesus Christ is shown to be pertinent by the above verses. It is impossible to please God unless we believe in His Son. If we do not believe in Jesus Christ, then the rest of God's plan is in vain and we cannot get to Heaven. We only have salvation because of the sacrifice of God's Son.

Examples of Belief Leading to Salvation

Most of God's examples of conversion in the Bible tell of someone believing the words about Christ. Let us read these examples found in His word:

Now that we have read the Lord's examples of people believing in the word of Christ, we must study the Bible to answer a controversial question:

Is Faith, or Belief in Christ All That We Need For Heaven?

Some people have the belief that mere faith in Jesus Christ is all that we need to be saved. This doctrine is supported nowhere in Scripture. God tells us of His combination of steps to salvation. We have no right to just pick the one or two that we like. Belief in Christ is mentioned during 6 of the 8 conversions recorded in Acts. However, both "Hearing the word of Christ," and "Baptism into Christ" are mentioned all 8 times. If we could choose only one step to get to Heaven, why would we pick "Belief in Christ"? Instead of a "Faith Only" doctrine, how about "Hearing Only" or "Baptism Only?" The notion that we can pick and choose our way to Heaven is absurd and will lead us to Hell.

What are God's thoughts on a "Faith Only" way to salvation?:

Another good set of passages is Hebrews 11. That chapter tells of many Old Testament characters' faith in God, and the works that resulted. Yes, we are saved through faith, but not faith only. The above passages tell us this. If we truly believe in Christ, we will gladly follow all of His directions to salvation.

3) Repent of Our Sins

The first two steps to salvation were "Hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ" and "Believing the gospel of Jesus Christ." Once we hear about Jesus and believe in Him, we must then turn away from our sins. This "turning away," or repentance, is necessary because it shows God that we are going to try to live according to His will. The next few passages tell us of God's views on repentance:

Repenting of our sins is necessary for salvation. God must know that we are serious when we decide to become a Christian. Repentance is a promise that we will spend our lives trying to do what is right.

Examples of Repentance Leading to Salvation

Repentance from sin is mentioned at the very beginning of the church, on the Day of Pentecost. As the account unfolds in chapter 2 of Acts, we can see that repentance was necessary for the people to become part of the church. God has not changed His laws since then. To become part of that church, we must follow the examples given by that church, Christ's church. We should now read this example of repentance:

These people were told to repent from their sins. Becoming a true Christian involves turning away from the sins of the world. The passages before this section tell us that we are commanded to repent. Therefore, repentance is necessary for salvation. If Heaven is our aim, we must follow God's instructions.

4) Confess That Christ Is the Son of God

Once we have heard the word of Christ, believed in it, and repented of our sins, we must confess that Jesus Christ is Son of God. The confession is really more of a profession. This confession is not the confession of our sins, but simply the confession that Jesus is God's only begotten Son. God tells us in His Holy Scripture:

We must confess, or profess, to others that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This step might seem silly, but Jesus instructed it. We should definitely decide to follow the instructions of Jesus instead of some man.

Examples of Confession Leading to Salvation

Just as God only recorded one example of repentance occurring in the Bible, there is only one example of confession leading to salvation. Can we be saved if we then decide to skip it? Of course we cannot. If we will read the previous set of passages again, we will realize that confession is essential to our salvation. God gave us one example of it occurring, and God should only need to tell us once. Let us now read the passage:

This passage is a perfect example of what God expects from us. We are to confess Christ before men to get to Heaven. Now that we have covered the first four steps to Biblical salvation, we must cover the last step to salvation.

5) Be Baptized into Christ

The last step to reaching Heaven is baptism into Christ. This is the most controversial step in the salvation process. Thankfully, God has given us many more verses covering this step than any other. Let us work through God's word to determine what He says about baptism.

What is the Purpose of Baptism?

We will see in the next passages that baptism takes our sins completely away. Let us walk through each verse:

Baptism gives us remission, or forgiveness of sins:

Baptism saves us:

Baptism washes away our sins:

Baptism is commanded:

Baptism is needed to enter the kingdom of God:

Baptism puts on Christ:

Baptism puts us into Christ's death:

Baptism makes us disciples of Christ:

Baptism does so many things.

So far, we have read that baptism:
1) Forgives our sins
2) Saves us
3) Washes away our sins
4) Is commanded
5) Is needed to enter the kingdom of God
6) Puts on Christ
7) Puts us into Christ's death
8) And makes us disciples of Christ

But our denominational friends tell us that baptism does not save us. They tell us that baptism is only an outward showing of Christ in us. However, God has told us in the above verses that baptism actually puts us into Christ. Now that we have established that baptism saves us, let us now see what baptism physically is:

What Exactly is Baptism?

Many denominations practice what they like to call baptism. As with all of our study, we will turn away from man's feeble opinions and turn to the truth, God's word.

Baptism is a burial:

Baptism is a rebirth:

Baptism requires much water:

Baptism requires going into and coming out of the water:

Baptism is not a sprinkling or a pouring. Those are more of man's feeble, erroneous ways.

We have read plainly that God's baptism:
1) Is a burial
2) Is a rebirth
3) Requires much water
4) And requires going into and coming out of the water

Maybe God is satisfied with a couple of different types of baptism, right? God tells us how many baptisms are acceptable to Him:

There is one and only one baptism that will get us to Heaven. The Lord's baptism is an immersion; it fits the four conditions given by that entire last section of passages.

When we die, will we be covered by a sprinkle of dirt? Will we be covered by a pitcher of dirt? Of course not, we will be buried. That is how much water we need to be buried with Christ. If we have been "baptized" with a pitcher of water, then we should be covered with only a pitcher of dirt when we die. Imagine a funeral where the deceased is covered with a few sprinkles of dirt. How absurd is that? We now see all of the ignorant distortions that ages of lost men have added to God's perfect word.

We can take the correct path to Heaven. We need only follow God's word.

Who Should Be Baptized?

Many people have been "baptized" as young, ignorant children. Our goal here is to find God's way, the only way, to Heaven. If the Bible does not say it, then we do not do it, right? How many times were babies baptized in God's Holy Scripture? The answer is zero.

In the Bible, people:
1) Heard the word of Christ
2) THEN believed that Jesus was the Son of God
3) THEN repented of their sins
4) THEN confessed before men that Jesus was the Son of God
5) And were baptized in water LAST

Is God satisfied with anything else? We should not want to find out. Virtually all infant "baptisms" are not even immersions, which automatically disqualify them as even being baptisms. Scriptural baptism is the result of one's decision to follow God's word. Let us learn who can be baptized correctly:

Baptism is for those that hear the gospel and believe it:

Baptism is for those that hear the gospel, believe in Christ, and confess Christ before men:

Baptism is for those that hear the gospel, believe in Christ, confess Christ before men, and repent of their sins:

Besides going against direct instruction from God, many contend that we are sinful from birth. What does God say?

If we read the next-to-last passage again, we can see that "the soul who sins shall die." God did not say "the soul who is unfairly given sin shall die." Sin is something that we decide to do. Once we know right and wrong, we start to sin, because we are sinful creatures. Babies do not know right from wrong.

Again, instead of following centuries of senseless, ignorant tradition, why not just follow the example of God's word? In the Bible, we are told to become like children to be saved. Children are saved until they decide to go against God's will. Let us all try to become as little children:

Baptism is for those that become converted into the innocence of little children:

We know that the Scriptures call for hearing, belief, repentance, and confession BEFORE baptism. This is the only way. This is God's way. This is the way that leads to Heaven.

Examples of Baptism Leading to Salvation

Baptism is essential to our salvation. If we follow the 5 steps outlined here, we will be saved. We have read the many passages from God that tell us so. God has not told us any other way that we can get to Heaven. Man's liberal, mortal views about salvation do not matter. Remember that God is only satisfied with those that follow His instructions. How can we change His plan to save us, and expect Him to follow our feeble instructions? We cannot.

Christ's true church teaches the above doctrine of salvation. We read that THE CHURCH followed those teachings. Rather than follow vain, denominational doctrines created by men, let us find a church of Christ that follows God's perfect instructions.

I pray that you will find a church of Christ near you. They should teach God's doctrine for salvation. Heaven should be our aim. If you have not followed God's plan of salvation, then this is the most important action in your life. Nothing else matters.

What is this life for?

Really, what are you living for? You probably work at your job most of the day, making some money that will disappear someday. However, your salvation means more than your job, your house, or your family. What does God say about the relentless pursuit of earthly goods?

Our earthly lives are nothing. We have our little lives for the one purpose of glorifying God and honoring His wishes. If you have not become saved, you know that it is of the utmost importance. I pray that you will make the right decision. Heaven is waiting for those that follow God's words.

What Comes After Salvation?

After we follow God's plan to be saved, what is next? We are to continue in our service to God. Salvation is only the first step. We are told by God to remain faithful to Him:

Once we are saved, we must continue learning more about God and Christ. The denominational world has the view that once salvation occurs, we cannot fall from the Lord's grace. Can we fall from grace? Let us read the only words that matter, God's words:

There are at least 8 other passages that tell us that we can fall from salvation. The Lord has made it clear in His word that we must try to do His will from the point of salvation onward.

Now that you have read God's words pertaining to salvation, I hope that you make the decision to become saved. It is the most important thing you will ever do.

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