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Sins of the New Testament

Many have been led to believe that there are seven deadly sins. However, the Bible tells us that all sins are deadly. Also, there are more than seven of them listed in God's word. The following passages are just a few of the sins that the Bible describes. In the Bible, most of these passages are followed by examples of righteous Christian acts. I would recommend reading all of those good things also. This page exists to show that there are more than seven deadly sins. Let us all strive to honor God and do His wishes.

(All of the indented, bulletted paragraphs are complete passages from the New King James Version of God's Word. The non-indented paragraphs are from me, and are not Scripture. However, the passages from God's Word cannot be disputed.)

We can see from God's word that there are many sins. Sin is against God's will, so all sins are deadly. We must strive to do God's will. To learn how to be forgiven of your sins, let us study the Bible about Salvation.

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