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Who Is a Reverend?

In today's religious world we hear of so many different authoritative names. One such name is "Reverend." From where did this name come? Who should wear such a name? These are serious questions that we must ask.

(All of the indented, bulletted paragraphs are complete passages from the New King James Version of God's Word. The non-indented paragraphs are from me, and are not Scripture. However, the passages from God's Word cannot be disputed.)

God Created Everything—He Makes the Rules

God created man and everything that exists. We must follow God's rules. These excerpts from God's word tell us of God's right as the Lawmaker:

We have no right to push our feeble conditions upon Lord God. He tells us what He expects of us in His word, the Bible. We cannot follow our laws and expect to be pleasing to Him—Almighty God is the Lawmaker.

The Bible Records God's Laws

Since God is the only Lawgiver, we must abide by His rules to get to Heaven. The Bible is the only instruction that we need. God tells us so:

We Cannot Distort God's Word

We must only abide by God's rules when trying to get to Heaven. Man's empty promises will not get us there. To achieve eternal Paradise with our Lord and Creator, God tells us that we cannot change His words given in His book:

God's Word also tells us that many, many people will fall away from the truth of the Bible and mislead countless others. Of course, God's Word was right again.

We now know that God is only satisfied with us if we follow His word, and His word only. Something as important as Heaven should not be risked over what seems right to a mere man. It's God's way or the highway, folks. We have read the previous passages. We must be obedient to His requests. We should want to honor His wishes because He is our Creator.

So, Who Can Wear the Name of Reverend?

We know that God is only satisfied with us if we follow His word, and His word only. It's God's way or the highway, folks. What are God's instructions on the name "Reverend"?

This passage is the only one in the Bible that uses the word "Reverend." According to the Bible, only the Bible can be used for our spiritual instruction. Therefore, this passage explains all that there is to explain about the word "Reverend."

Reverend is God's name. Who are we to assume such a perfect name? Anyone who claims this Holy name will answer to God on the great Judgment Day. For example, we could just as absurdly call Jesse Jackson, Almighty God Jackson. How blasphemous would that be?

Friend, why not just follow the Bible's instructions? God, who is superior to any "reverend man," wrote the Bible; He wants us to simply follow His Words.

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