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What is God's Way?
How to be Saved
Acceptable Worship
Who is a Reverend?
Odds of Evolution
Bible Car Words
Women in Worship
7 Deadly Sins?
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What is God's Way?

Why Search for God's Way?

God has given us instructions for everything pertaining to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). Rather than follow the thousands of doctrines of men, we should all want to know what God says about salvation and the church. Since the Bible has given all things that pertain to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3), we do not need any instruction except from the Bible.

We read in Acts 2:47 that "the Lord added to the church daily those that are being saved." In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, "I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." Instead of attending the church of our choice, shouldn't we try to find the church of Christ's choice and be a part of it? Why should we want to be part of any other church than Christ's church?

How Does Christ's Church Worship?

How can we find THE CHURCH that Christ built? The church in the Bible has many distinguishing characteristics:
In the Bible, the church met on the first day of the week to break bread and commune with the Lord (Acts 20:7).
On the first day of the week, the church also gave an offering of money so that Gospel could be spread (I Corinthians 16:2).
In the Bible, the church sang songs to God and prayed to God through Jesus' name (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16).
The Bible was also taught to the assembly by a preacher.

Today, we should follow these instructions given by God in the Bible. The Bible contains all things that pertain to life and godliness (I Peter 1:3). Shouldn't we follow it?

Christ is the head of the church. Just as Christ always followed God's instructions, the church only worships God according to His instructions. What types of worship are acceptable to God?

Let us study the Bible about Acceptable Worship.

How Can We Be Saved and Enter the Lord's Church?

Just as God has given us simple instructions on acceptable worship, He has given us many passages in the Bible that pertain to the SALVATION of our souls:
1) To be saved, the Bible tells us that we must hear the Gospel (Acts 10:14).
2) The Bible tells us that we must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Mark 16:16).
3) We are to confess, or profess, before men that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Matthew 10:32-33).
4) Once we have realized that we have sinned against God's will, we must repent, or turn away from, our sins (Acts 2:38).
5) Finally, to put off the sinful, worldly, lost man, we must go down into the watery grave of baptism and arise a new creature (Romans 6:3-4).

This is God's Way to salvation. We do not deserve to be with God in Heaven, but salvation is a gift from God (Romans 3:23). God has given us the previous conditions to become a Christian. Can we add to His conditions or take away from them and expect God to lower His standards? Certainly not! God has told us to not add to or take away from His words (II Timothy 4:3-4, Ephesians 4:14, Matthew 15:8-9).

"Saved" people are heading for Heaven. How can we be saved to get to Heaven?

Let us study the Bible about Salvation.

Does God Approve of Women Leading Prayers During Worship?

Many religious organizations allow women to perform leading roles during services. Is this God's way?

Let us study the Bible about A Woman's Role During Worship.

What Are the Odds of Evolution?

Prominent evolutionists have given some astounding odds for their theory. According to laws of probability, have there been enough chances for evolution to occur?

Let us figure The Odds of Evolution.

Are There Only 7 Deadly Sins?

The seven deadly sins are spoken of frequently. The Bible tells us that all sins are deadly, and it also lists many more than seven of them.

Let us study God's word about The Seven Deadly Sins.

Who Can Wear the Name "Reverend"?

Many men and women refer to themselves as "Reverends." Do they have Scriptural approval for this name?

Let us study the Bible for God's thoughts on Who Can Be a Reverend.

The Bible Talks About Engines

In the King James version of God's Word, the word "engines" appears twice. Of course, the reference is not to automobile engines, but the word does catch the eye and envoke some interest from people who like engines. Some other interesting "car terms" can be found in the Bible. They have purposely been taken out of context to promote interest in the Bible among automotive enthusiasts.

Let us search for some Car Words in the Bible.

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